(Click to Enlarge)
One...the true, unified state of all being. Totally transcendent, containing no divisions, no barriers; dissolving boundaries beyond all categories of being.
::OnE:: is the first Ottawa showing of new works by visual Artist Kalkidan Assefa happening at Fall Down Gallery from Nov 28 - Dec 1, 2013!
THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 2013 ::7PM - 11PM
Vernissage/Opening Party: FREE admission! Drinks, jams and good vibes! Be the first to enjoy the art!
Music for the night will be provided by KWAY SWAY , host of 93.1 FM CKCU's "Dem Tings Dey" (http://demtingsdey.tumblr.com/- Twitter @demtingsdey)
FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 2013 :: 5PM - 7PM
Live Paint Demo: 2-hour live-paint demonstration by Kalkidan happening at Fall Down Gallery
The works shown will be from two different series. It's the first time they will be shown together, as well as the first time showing in Ottawa. Both sets of work draw on the spirit of interconnectedness that characterizes the artist's universal outlook. Drawing on different styles, cultures, and emotions, this exhibit will really be two shows in OnE!
ARKTYPES is a series of vivid interpretations of archetypal characters and narratives from various cultures of antiquity, but particularly Afro-Asiatic. Strong lines and bold colour connect the works in their distinctive style as they explore mythical and metaphysical themes.
DISTANT RELATIVES is a series of figurative and portrait work that explores the richness, beauty, and diversity of several indigenous African populations. Traditional motifs are re-experienced through Kalkidan's unique cultural perspective, with an emphasis on finding connection points between cultures meant to uplift and empower all people by showing our shared relevance.